Bathmate Review: The Honest Hydro Pump Review

Let’s face it: people are having a lot more sex today than in past generations. This is a great thing if you like having fun in the bedroom – but it probably isn’t so great if you have a small or average-sized penis.
Simply put, your lovers likely have something to compare you against and you might not size up! Luckily for men today, we don’t have to settle for our inadequate penis sizes. With medical devices like Bathmate to help, you can easily get a bigger penis.
What is Bathmate?
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Bathmate is a penis enlargement pump which uses the power of water to help you grow. While you are showering or taking a bath, simply put the Bathmate around your penis and start pumping it.
The water will surround your penis and the pumping will create a vacuum suction. This vacuum suction will draw blood into your penis cells, making them dilate and swell up. After just a few minutes with Bathmate, your penis will become engorged like you wouldn’t believe!
Bathmate can help you get instantly larger, harder erections and also make your erections last longer too. This is great for any man who wants to go from “adequate” to “amazing.”
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Bathmate can also help men who have been suffering from impotence.
Unlike most ED pills, Bathmate is completely safe and you can use it as many times as you need to in a night. There are other benefits to Bathmate too, like straightening curved penis and helping prevent impotence.
There are so many great benefits from using Bathmate that all men should use it. But the best thing about Bathmate isn’t the benefits: it is how great it feels while you reap the rewards!
The wet, suction of Bathmate feels a lot like oral sex, so you can use this penis enlargement device for pleasure too. No other penis enlargement device feels as great as Bathmate and also gives all these other benefits of use. You can also use the Bathmate in the shower or in the air too and it will still feel great while getting you results.
Bathmate has now been on the market for quite a few years now. Each year, it becomes more popular amongst men who want a bigger penis, to treat ED or even pornstars who need to get ready before a shoot.
The company which makes Bathmate takes great pride in their product and knows that you will get results. That is why they offer a 100% money-back guarantee on your order. You have 6 weeks to try Bathmate without any risk. If you don’t like it, just return it and you’ll get your money back with no questions asked.
Most men are so happy with their Bathmate though that they wouldn’t dream of giving up this great vacuum device which actually makes penis enlargement fun!
[su_quote]This is the only penis pump that has received unanimous good reviews from the Good Looking Loser and PEGym forums, the two leading online forums for male enhancement discussions.[/su_quote]
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The 3 Different Bathmate Penis Pump Models
The Bathmate Hydro Pump comes in 3 official series:
[wpsm_numbox num=“1” style=“4”]The Hydro Series-First launched in 2006, this is the original Bathmate Hydro Pump and is perfect if you are on a tight budget. The price starts at $115 and it’s available in 3 colors (red, blue, and clear) [/wpsm_numbox]
[wpsm_numbox num=“2” style=“4”] Hydromax Series:- The Hydromax Series boosts of 35% more power than the original Bathmate pumps. [/wpsm_numbox]
[wpsm_numbox num=“3” style=“4”]HydroXtreme Series: This series is essentially the upgraded Hydromax Series. Apart from the penis pump, this series also includes other accessories including a carry case, a measuring gauge, cleaning sponge, and a shower strap[/wpsm_numbox]
The Winner- Which is the Best Bathmate?
When deciding upon which model of the Bathmate Hydro Pump to choose, it’s important to select the one you won’t outgrow while providing you the best results.
The latest HydroXtreme models are the undisputed winners on both counts. As the latest ones to hit the market, they were designed to improve upon and exceed all previous models. With vacuum pressures surpassing older Bathmates by 35%, the HydroXtreme line is truly the state of art hydro pump technology.
Bathmate vs Other Penis Extenders
What differentiates the Bathmate from any other penis enhancing devices on the market is how quickly it works.
Anyone who has ever lifted weights and felt what is commonly known as a “pump”, which refers to a temporary enlargement of muscles as they become engorged with blood, will soon recognize that feeling after their first session with the Bathmate.
The good news is that this pumped state remains for up to 3 hours which gives you ample time to use it to your advantage sexually. It’s ability to provide immediate results is one of the reasons why this hydro pump has become so popular among men.
In effect, you are training your penis and it will react in the same way as any other muscles you train at the gym.
When working out you understand that a pump is temporary but that consistent training will eventually lead to permanent size gains. The same can be said about the Bathmate Penis Pump which, through diligent use, will eventually lead to permanent gains of 1 to 3 inches over time.
An important aspect to consider is that, by its very design, the Bathmate is meant to enhance both girth and length. This gives you better overall results when compared to penis stretchers which tend to only develop penis length since tension is always applied in the same direction.
Bathmate reviews from users are overwhelmingly positive with an approval rating of over 95% that far exceeds the satisfaction level of any other male enhancement device on the market.
Furthermore, the manufacturer has such confidence in their product that they offer a 12 month moneyback guarantee to take away any risk for trying it. So if you are interested in experiencing any or all of the benefits that come from using the Bathmate, you can do so now with complete peace of mind.
The Bathmate hydro pump has helped me and many other men to improve their member size and sexual life, and I am highly recommending it to you. After all, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Remember your purchase is backed by a money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy, return it and be rest assured that you’ll receive a full refund, guaranteed.
Bathmate Review-Presentation Of The Bathmate Pump
Featuring an innovative design, the Bathmate has gained its popularity thanks to the unbelievable results that men have achieved while using it.
Easy to use, the Bathmate provides several types of penis pumps in order to meet the needs of newbies and the most demanding.
For those who are at their first penis pump, the classic Bathmate Hercules is exactly what they need.
For those who are experienced and want more pressure for their penile workouts, then they can choose between the Bathmate Hydromax and the HydroXtreme Series.
This Bathmate review will focus on the features that you can find in all the Bathmate penis pumps mentioned above.
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Bathmate Price: How Much Does Bathmate Cost?
The price of the Bathmate Penis Pump differs, depending on the model and accessories that you choose.
However, regardless of the one you choose, Bathmate offers discreet shipping, adding a shipping cost which depends on the destination. To add, whether you choose the classic Bathmate or the other models, you have the chance to order from blue to clear or red.
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Bathmate Review: Real Permanent Results, Safe Use
You probably read this in another Bathmate pump review, but even if you haven’t, it’s very important to know this: the Bathmate penis pump was designed in order to be easy and safe to use while offering permanent gains!
Because of this, men all over the world are able to increase the size of their penis, benefit from hard and longer erections with a simple use of this device.
The secret behind the success of the Bathmate Hydro pump lies in the fact that it uses the power of water. Thus, you can use it while you’re taking a bath or you’re in the shower.
But how does water make such a big difference? This Bathmate Pump review will reveal it!
In case you have used an air penis pump before, you know that it uses vacuum in order to apply pressure on your penis and make it bigger.
The drawback is that it doesn’t apply pressure on the whole penis. This means that only parts of the penis are lengthened.
However, a hydro penis pump like Bathmate is capable of applying the same pressure on the whole penis with the simple use of water! Thus, your whole penis is lengthened, not only the foreskin. The result: a bigger penis, more girth, harder erections and much more!
In just 15 minutes, you will be able to see visible results! And it’s not just this Bathmate Pump review that states this, all men who tried it represent the solid proof of the incredible results.
Benefits – Guarantees
The purpose of this Bathmate review is to set things clear about the Bathmate penis pump. Thus, it is worth mentioning that not only does the Bathmate Penis Pump help you lengthen your penis and get harder and long-lasting erections but thanks to its unique features, the Bathmate also prevents your penis from bending and suffering of floppy penis syndrome.
So when you put on the Bathmate, remember that not only are you offered a chance to lengthen your penis, but also to keep it healthy.
Another important thing that you should find in each Bathmate review is the fact that you have the benefit of a full no risk money back guarantee. Hence, if you are not satisfied with the results or with the pump itself, you can get your money back simple, easy and fast, without having to fill in any forms.
>> Get Better Results, Click Here to Buy Bathmate Penis Pump <<
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Bathmate for Correcting Curved Penis (Peyronie’s Syndrome)
One of the most common penile problems afflicting men is Peyronie’s syndrome – or a bent penis. Almost all men have at least a slightly bent penis.
A small bend in the penis usually isn’t going to cause the problems associated with severe Peyronie’s syndrome, but it can weaken your penis and the condition will likely get worse over time. Luckily, fixing a bent penis is as easy as using Bathmate 15 minutes daily.
Why the Penis Bends
Inside the penis, there are several chambers which either carry urine or, during erection, get filled with blood. These chambers are surrounded by a thin sheath known as the tunica. During erection, the blood-filled chambers expand and cause the tunica to stretch out. The tunica becomes very taut and this is what makes the penis hard.
Because the tunica gets stretched so taut during erection, it becomes prone to damage. In severe cases, the tunic can snap, causing a “penis fracture.”
When this happens, you will know it! Penis fractures are very painful and usually make a loud popping sound. In less severe cases, you may not even know you damaged your tunica. For example, if your penis bends in the wrong direction during sex or masturbation, it can make a small tear in the tunica. The tear will get filled in with scar tissue.
Scar tissue is not as flexible as healthy tissue. That means your tunica will not uniformly stretch out during an erection and your penis will bend over the area of scar tissue.
Depending on the amount of scar tissue, you could have a large or a small bend of the penis. Since bent penises are more likely to get damaged again, this penis curative is probably going to get worse over time.
How Bathmate Helps
Bathmate is primarily used for penis enlargement, but it can also help you straighten out a bent penis too.
When you wear the Bathmate device, the water will create vacuum suction around your penis. This causes blood to surge into your penis and push your penis outwards.
The extra amount of blood entering the penis helps make your penis cells stronger and more flexible, including the scar tissue. Eventually, the cells in the scar tissue area of the tunica will become less rigid so your penis doesn’t bend as much.
Penis stretchers can also help cure a bent penis. However, Bathmate is the superior product when it comes to fixing a bent penis. The reason is because Bathmate creates a uniform amount of pressure throughout the penis.
With penis stretchers, you will get most pressure on the tip of your penis shaft and less pressure downwards. Since Bathmate is also very pleasurable to use, it couldn’t be easier to get a straight penis with this device. And your straight penis will also be larger with Bathmate so you win all around!
Yes, Size Actually Matters!
“Size does not matter… what matters most is how and what you do with it…”
“Large penis does not guarantee satisfaction for both men and women…”
Very often you come across such statements on the web, articles, or magazines. More often than not, such statements are supported with statistics, trying to convince men (and women) that size is not a dominant factor to achieve pleasurable sex.
I have to DISAGREE with this fact, and I’m sure that most men would agree with me too. Without a doubt, your member’s size matters to your partner, and more importantly yourself too.
Do not take my words for it – read the statistics for yourself: This website tells you how far it matters to women about their men’s member: their length, girth, and the excitement it brings to them.
Now look into the mirror – are you satisfied with your size? Or maybe you should ask your partner?
I’ve mentioned previously that my member was a shameful small size of less than 5” – and circumference of slightly more than an inch. Ask me how it feels when your partner looks in disdain after you have pulled down your pants, or when she asks you whether you’ve entered her while in the real sense you’re almost done.
Terrible isn’t it?
Never tell me that size does not matter. IT DOES.
Fortunately for me, I discovered these incredible penis enlargement devices we call penis pumps and I decided to give a few of them a trial. I went for the two market leaders; starting with the Penoment Penis Pump and settling for the Bathmate Hydro Pump.
And guess what? Compared to Penomet, the Bathmate results in more enlargement and is much easier and comfortable to use. Using it I was able to achieve an additional length of 2.5 inches in a period of 6 months.
If you’d rather skip the rest of my narration and skip right through to where you start experimenting with your own Bathmate, click the button below. Otherwise, scroll along to discover why I recommend the Bathmate Penis Pump so much…
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What Are You Gonna Do About it?
I understand that there are very many products that claim to enlarge your penis within a few months but, most of them are shit! They don’t produce any results.
Words from my heart – your member’s size DOES matter, and its girth too. Don’t ever let this ruin your relationship anymore.
The Bathmate is a male enhancement device that promotes growth by creating a vacuum environment around the penis. It does this through the use of a hollow cylinder in which the male member is inserted with water filling the empty space instead of air.
Once your manhood is inserted and the cylinder pressed firmly against the pelvis, downward pumping action causes water to be expelled from the valve situated at the tip which, in turn, lowers the pressure inside the cylinder.
This has the effect of expanding penile tissues, the degree of which is controlled by the amount of water the user pumps out of the cylinder. Please view the video below to get a better sense of how it works.
Click Here To Vist the Official Hydromax Website
The fact that water is used instead of air makes the Bathmate Hydromax Pump more comfortable and at the same time eliminates the safety concerns typically associated with traditional penis pumps.
If used according to instructions while giving your penis sufficient time to adapt to more aggressive levels of training, it is completely safe.
Also, the all-in-one design that has the valve integrated into the unit means it’s easier to use since you don’t need to be holding the cylinder with one hand while squeezing an air bulb with the other. The ability to hold it with one or both hands gives you better control so you can focus on what you’re doing to get better results.
Why am I Doing This Bathmate Hydro Pump Review?
My name is Chris (not that it matters) ) You’re probably not so interested to know more about me, but you may relate to my problems. You see, I have a really small member (less than 5 inches, you can imagine?). If that’s not the worst, I found myself losing control by merely touching my partner’s pubic hair! That’s right, I suffer from the dreaded “small penis syndrome” and premature ejaculation.
SEE: How to Measure Your Penis Size
Needless to say, my girlfriend at that time was upset with me. I became desperate. I’d try anything that claims to be the solutions to my problem. You name it; I’ve tried almost everything except surgery: stretcher, pump, pills, patches, creams etc. And Nothing seemed to be giving me the results I was after.
To cut the long story short, my girlfriend left me for another guy. My heart was shattered, but it’s not like I could do anything about it. I honestly was also becoming totally frustrated and nearly depressed of the many attempts we would make at trying to make me last more than a few seconds.
Then, a friend recommends I try the Bathmate Hydromax Penis Pump. He swears that it makes his member bigger. I was skeptical at first, but decided to give it a try. After all, it has a money back guarantee.
[su_service title=“The Concept” icon=“icon: fire” icon_color=“#f48932”] Bathmate works by enlarging your penile tissue and chamber. As these components are expanded, they are able to hold more blood to form an erection, thus resulting in a larger and bigger penis. [/su_service]
[su_service title=“What I Like” icon=“icon: check-circle” icon_color=“#f48932”] The Bathmate water pump is natural and effective. Plus, it does not cause discomfort on the penile shaft. You actually feel quite comfortable with it. [/su_service]
[su_service title=“What I Didn’t Like” icon=“icon: exclamation-circle” icon_color=“#f48932”] It does take a little practice to use the Bathmate Penis Pump properly. Also, my skin got wrinkles because of soaking in the bath for too long! And ohh yes, you need discipline with Bathmate. If you expect a quick fix, Bathmate is not for you. You can go look for the next magic solution, though I doubt if there’s any. Bathmate results speak for themselves. Just browse on forums like Good Looking Loser and PEGym to see what I mean.[/su_service]
[su_service title=“Should I Get it?” icon=“icon: question-circle-o” icon_color=“#f48932”] The Hydromax Penis Pump is not for you if you suffer from severe health complications including severe erectile dysfunction, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, kidney failures, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. If you fall into any of the above categories, please seek help from medical experts! [/su_service]
Results from Using Bathmate (Honest Bathmate Review)
I was surprised that Bathmate is different from other enlarger pumps. A regular penis enlarger pump creates a vacuum environment around your member. The downside is, these products tend to make your member swell and uncomfortable.
The Bathmate line of penis pumps works differently.
They create pressure inside the water instead of air. Unlike a standard enlarger pump, it feels quite comfy. After the first pump, I did find my member to become firmer.
[su_note note_color=“#e4e8e9” text_color=“#191313”] The fact that water is used instead of air makes the Bathmate Penis Pump more comfortable and at the same time eliminates the safety concerns typically associated with traditional penis pumps. If used according to instructions while giving your penis sufficient time to adapt to more aggressive levels of training, it is completely safe. Also, the all-in-one design that has the valve integrated into the unit means it’s easier to use since you don’t need to be holding the cylinder with one hand while squeezing an air bulb with the other. The ability to hold it with one or both hands gives you better control so you can focus on what you’re doing to get better results. [/su_note]
I used it for 15-20 minutes a day during the shower, as instructed. Besides, I also try to eat sensibly and exercise my penis regularly to improve penile fitness and stamina.
After 1 month, I was delighted to find out that I had grown 1 inch! In addition, I am able to sustain the erection to give my partner long, pleasurable sex. I was told that my progress is rather fast, and I attribute it to the penis workout. (I also bought the Stamina Training Unit from Fleshlight for my extra penis exercises)
Needless to say, I am thrilled. Have I found Bathmate long time ago, I would not have to go through all the headaches and heartaches.
With the wide variety of penis pumps in the market, men have so many options to choose from. However, in this post, I will focus on the Bathmate Hydromax Penis Pump because I found it to be much better than most of the brands. I hope by the end of my Bathmate review, you will be convinced to invest in the product, and start your penis enlargement journey.
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How to Use the Bathmate- A Detailed Guide
Bathmate is a popular penis enlargement pump that works by creating a vacuum around your dick. This water-based pump has worked for over 1 million men across the globe. This pump will give you an erection by exerting pressure on the erectile chambers which causes blood to flow into the erectile chambers.
Most of the previous models of the bathmate pump relied on a conventional vacuum to increase the size and girth of the penis. Today, the new generation works with the use of water, thus allowing you to use them even in the shower or bathtub.
During the time I have used the Bathmate pump, I found that it works best with warm water. Once you insert your penis in the Bathmate pump, the tool will create a vacuum in the cylinder. The vacuum will force your penis to enlarge and fill the cylinder because of increased blood flow. If you repeat this process on a daily basis, you will notice some major changes on the length and girth of your penis.
How Often to Use The Bathmate For Progress
If you are looking for permanent results, you have to use the Bathmate Hydropump on a daily basis. Daily usage will cause the blood vessels in your penis shaft to expand, thus allowing more blood to flow into the erectile chambers.
This process creates harder and bigger erections within a few minutes. Other than giving your hard-rock erections, the Bathmate pump triggers the stimulation of the lymphatic system which causes the oxidation of blood cells. This process will in turn help in flushing out toxins from your penis in order to give it good health.
If you are serious about increasing the length and girth of your penis, this is the only penis pump that I would recommend. Go and get it now.
I will be waiting to see your Bathmate review with the before and after results, so, feel free to email me here.
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Benefits of Using The Bathmate Penis Pump
I am pretty sure that most of you have tried all sorts of pills and creams to enlarge your penis but you end up disappointed. Having a small and slender dick makes you desperate to try any penis enlargement method you come across.
Fortunately, the Bathmate Hydro Pump is one of the methods and tools that has always stood out from all penis enlargement methods. Once you purchase this penis pump, you will get to enjoy lots of benefits. Below are some of them that are guaranteed:
Bathmate Gives Quality erections
If you have been struggling to please your partner because of weak erections, Bathmate might be your best solution. With this awesome penis pump, you no longer have to worry about using pills and drugs that are known to have serious side effects.
Bathmate will enhance blood flow to the erectile chambers hence improving the length and quality of your erections. In fact, research shows that penis pumps will offer a lasting solution to guys suffering from erectile dysfunction as compared to pills.
Bathmate Straightens A Curved Penis
Not every man was born with a straight dick, some of them have a penis that has the shape of a banana. A penis can be curved in any direction and I bet this is an issue that disturbs most men.
Well, if you happen to be one of them, Bathmate is a good solution to your problem. I am not saying that this is the best option if you are looking to straighten your penis. There are better options out there but, Bathmate will also work efficiently.
Bathmate Increases Penis Length & Girth
The main reason for buying Bathmate Hydro pump is because you are not satisfied with the size of your penis, right?
Well, if this is the case, this penis pump will not disappoint you in any way. Once you start using the Bathmate Pump, your meat popsicle will start increase in length within a few weeks. For my case, I was able to gain around 0.8 inches within the first few weeks of consistent use.
Other than increasing the length of your penis, Bathmate will also do a good job when it comes to increasing your girth. Your partner will definitely notice how thick your penis has become within two months of using this penis enlargement pump. Most men will experience an increase that ranges from 0.5 to 1 inch. Isn’t that enough to get your partner mourning and screaming like crazy?
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How to Use The Bathmate Penis Pump
Since Bathmate is a water-based penis pump, You should alway use it in the bathtub, sink or shower. Below are the steps that you should follow when using Bathmate pump:
Place your finger on the vent that is located at the top of the pump to prevent water from running out
Fill the cylinder with warm water to ensure that you feel comfortable and make the pump more effective
Gently insert your dick inside the cylinder and pump a few times until the comfort pad sits firmly against the base of your penis.
Pump out the water for 3 to 5 times in intervals of 5 to 10 seconds and allow your penis to adjust to the vacuum. You will start feeling the vacuum after you pump the water out.
Ensure that you pump one time in every five minutes so as to strengthen the vacuum. In case you pump too much, you can always release the pressure using the vent .
Release the pressure and remove your penis from the pump after 15 to 20 minutes of use. Repeat this procedure every day until you attain the gains you were targeting.
How to Take Care of Your Bathmate Pump
A Bathmate pump is not just any ordinary device. It’s one of of the sex tools that costs a lot of money. This is a clear indication that you ought to take care of it at all costs especially if you want it to serve you for long. Below are a few things that you ought to know about maintaining and cleaning your Bathmate Pump
Use the Right Lubricant
Bathmate pumps are devices that come with a lot of parts that require specialized lubricant once in a while. It is imperative to choose your lubricant carefully because some of the lubricants might cause your pump to deteriorate. It’s recommendable to use water-based lubricants and avoid oil-based lubricants because they might react with different parts of the pump.
Pump Head Maintenance
As you well know, the pump head is a very important part of the Bathmate pump. For this reason, it is very important that you take great care of this part.
Do not make the mistake of soaking the pump head in water because it might get spoiled. How? When you soak the pump head, moisture tends to get trapped inside the pump and this can lead to the formation of bacteria that will deteriorate the device.
Cleaning the support rings
The support rings of a bathmate pump are very delicate. It is therefore important to ensure that you clean them separately otherwise you might end up damaging them. In most cases, you should use warm water and scrub it gently. This practice makes the pump last much longer than you would expect.
Bathmate Side Effects
To be honest, side effects are very rare as long as you use the pump correctly. Guys who overuse and misuse the bathmate penis pump tend to suffer from the following problems:
Penis bruising- If you pump your penis too hard, you will definitely get bruises around the penile shaft.
Testicles swelling- this happens when you pump too hard to an extent that the testicles are sucked inside the pump. In case of such a scenario, refrain from using a penis pump.
Red dots- This is a common effect that will always happen when you are new to the device. The red dots develop because of too much pressure on the penile shaft. They will definitely disappear after a few days.
Weaker erections- Even though I mentioned that penis pumps will improve the quality of your erections, the opposite will happen if you over-pump.
I hope that you’ve learned a lot from my detailed Bathmate review. Happy penis pumping and avoid overdoing it!
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Bathmate Penis Pump Comparison With Other Procedures
#1. Natural male enhancement pills
Most enhancement pills do contain useful ingredients that may help to improve your overall health and enhance sexual performance. However, you can’t be sure how well the ingredients blend interacts with your body.
When you take an enhancement pill, the majority of the ingredients will be destroyed by the acid of the stomach. Only a small percentage of ingredients will pass through intestine for absorption process. If you take a poor enhancement pill with cheap binders, it will pass through your body without absorption.
Almost all natural male enhancement pills claim to be “100% safe and effective”. However, the claim is groundless. As these pills are not regulated by FDA, their safety and effectiveness are not guaranteed. In fact, you will notice the following small print at the bottom of advertisement: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”
#2. Penis Enlargement Surgery
Mainstream media will have you to believe that surgery is the only way to go. But, it is strongly advised against men with a healthy and normal penis.
Additionally, surgery carries the following side effects: internal bleeding, scarring, loss of sensation, and nodule formation. In fact, surgery is not proved to be effective nor safe. The following bodies do not recommend the procedure: the American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). (Source: Mayo Clinic).
#3. Penis Weight Hanging
Sounds stupid? You bet! Many people have actually tried it… in this method, the penis is attached to weights (dumbbell or heavy stuff) by rope. The weight hanging applies external pressure to stretch the ligaments, tunica and penile tissues.
Its working mechanism is in fact quite similar to Pilates. When practiced frequently, weight hanging can help to improve sexual stamina and penile fitness. However, it may not enlarge your manhood.
Penis weight hanging is not recommended for an uncircumcised man (Source: Wikipedia). In addition, injury and damage from weight hanging are not unusual. The potential side effects include: loss of sensitivity, deformation, bruise, discoloration and temporary impotence. In a nutshell, it is not a safe practice. Beginner in penis enlargement should not try it.
#4. Clamp
Clamping involves usage of a constricting penis ring. By attaching the device around the base of the penis, it limits blood from flowing out of the penis. That way, it allows the penile chamber to hold maximum allow of blood, thus allowing the tissues to expand beyond the normal erection size. However, the result is not permanent. As well, it should be practiced with extreme caution to avoid injury.
#5. Stretching
With this method, the user is required to wear a traction device (commonly known as stretcher or penis extender) for few hours a day.
By exposing the penis to regular traction, the cells are forced to break down. Then, the cells begin to reform and multiply. Over time, the penile chambers expand beyond the original size. The process has been proven to lengthen and widen the penis.
It’s important to choose a device made of highest quality to ensure the best success and avoid discomfort. A lousy product can make you feel quite painful. As well, you remove the device for 15 minutes at every hour.
#6. Belly Off
It may come as surprise, but you are more endowed than you think! About 50% of your penis is hidden inside the body fat. You can expose the “hidden penis” by losing weight.
Specifically, you should concentrate on workouts to get rid of lower belly fat. Following is an effective exercise for this purpose:
#1. Lay yourself down on a yoga mat.
#2. Squeeze your belly, and raise both legs to the air so they form an “L” shape in relation to the upper body. Then, hold the position for 5 seconds.
#3. Do 10 repetitions.
#4. … and less beer maybe?
Bathmate Review: Final Say
Throughout this Bathmate review, you read about all the benefits that this penis pump has to offer. Using the power of water, the Bathmate, regardless of the model that you want to purchase, will help you increase the size of your penis (length and girth) safe and easy.
If you want more proof than the ones shown in this Bathmate review, then you can always try the Bathmate and see for yourself after 15 minutes of use. If you’re not satisfied, Bathmate offers you the chance to get your money back thanks to the no risk money back guarantee.
So, if you really think about it, there’s no risk at all! The Bathmate is safe and easy to use, and if you’re not satisfied, you get your money back. It can’t get any better! You will get a bigger and healthier penis or your money back! Order the Bathmate penis pump now and see how easy it is to get the size that you’ve always dreamed of! You can be the next one writing a Bathmate review to help other men who struggle to solve their length problems. Order today!
Say goodbye to your small penis with the Bathmate!
In just 15 minutes, you will be able to see noticeable results by simply using the revolutionary Bathmate penis pump. Designed to be used by its own or with water, this penis pump has become known among men all over the world thanks to the amazing results it offers.
But don’t simply take our word for it! Read this Bathmate review further and feel free to read more to see for yourself how effective Bathmate can be! And things get even better! If you want to find out how the following paragraphs from this Bathmate review will reveal it.