Advanced Jelqing Exercises for Natural Penis Enlargement

The Jelqing Technique
Jelqing is the most widely used penis exercise technique today. This exercise and its many variants are included as an essential exercise in almost every penis enlargement exercise program available to the public.
It has been said that Jelqing dates back to ancient Arabic culture, where this technique was used to help young boys transition into their manhood. Since then, it has been passed down generation after generation reaching its peak in the penis enlargement industry that we have come to know.
Typically, a Jelqing exercise routine can be completed in roughly ten minutes, depending on the number of repetitions, whether you are at a beginner, intermediate or advanced level.
The Jelq is notorious for lengthening and thickening the penis in a timely manner due to the similarities of its basic technique and advanced variations. To complete a Jelq, you will be performing a milking motion with your hand. This motion forces blood into the Corpora Cavernosa chambers of the penis shaft, which forces blood along the length of your penis, causing it to expand.
By forcing more blood into your penis, it will steadily grow in size. The effects are permanent in performed properly and you should begin to notice that there is much more to gain than size after continuously using the Jelq technique.
The Intended Use Of Jelqing Exercises Are:
- To Add Length
- To Expand Girth (Primarily)
- To Improve Erection Firmness And Hardness
- To Enhance Penile Rigidity
Conditioning yourself to properly perform a Jelqing exercise.
Before you begin jelqing, your penis needs to be semi-erect. Nearly three-quarters of a full erection at most. Practicing exercises while fully erect is dangerous and meant only for experienced practitioners. If you have a hard time stimulating an erection, you can try gently stroking your penis or lightly slapping it against the inner portion of your thigh.
If you are unable to tell if your penis is ¾ erect, achieve a full erection and let it subside just a bit.
Is Lubricant important for jelqing?
Yes, lubricant should be used for variants such as the wet Jelq. Water-based or oil-based lubricants are best.
If you prefer not having to use lubrication, practice with caution. We suggest baby oil that is infused with vitamin E since it is cost-effective and designed for even the most sensitive skin. This will help your penis look healthy and make Jelqing exercises easier to perform.
Stamina and Control
If you suffer from low sexual stamina or have a hard time controlling the urge to ejaculate when performing jelqing exercises, you may also want to consider kegel exercises, which help with ejaculation control.
If you feel the need to release, stop exercising for a few moments. This is a great way to help control yourself control ejaculate frequency and timing.
It will help you build up a resistance over time. You can find more information about kegel exercises by following the link.
Avoid Jelqing in the Shower
Penis enlargement exercises usually require you to stand in order to perform them. Certain variants allow you to sit or lay down, but most are performed standing up.
Be careful when practicing in the shower - chafing is not a good feeling and it prevents you from performing exercises until your penis heals.
Do not use soap as a replacement for lubricant if you decide to exercise in the shower.
Learning how to Jelq and using this technique to your advantage
If you think you are ready to Jelq, please take the time to invest into a professionally developed penis enlargement exercise program, such as Penis Health.
Free penis exercises should only be used for informational purposes. If you decide to use free Jelqing exercises, consider your actions wisely and perform at your own risk.
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The Squeeze Technique
The Penis Squeeze technique involves many variations of exercises that “bend” the penis or rely on a slight squeezing gesture to force blood into the shaft. These exercises are very specific and require a great deal of expertise to perform safely and correctly. The squeeze technique expands the girth of the penis, helping create thicker, wider, and fuller erections.
Over a period of weeks, a slight difference in size will be noticeable, if of course, you’re exercising are performed properly. We strongly urge you to use programs that feature the squeeze technique and bending exercises. The squeeze technique is great for men who want to add a few inches to their girth, but keep in mind, these are advanced exercises that have a high potential for harm if improperly used.
The Goals of Squeeze Techniques: (Intermediate and Advanced Exercises)
- Girth Expansion
- Lengthen Penis
- Thicker Penis
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Penis Stretching - Proven To Add Length
Penis stretching is the most common penis enlargement technique used today that can permanently lengthen and strengthen your penis when flaccid and erect. The name of this technique describes exactly what kind of exercise it is. Whether you are a beginner or advanced practitioner, stretching is the easiest exercise technique to learn and master.
Stretching exercises are essential for any routine intended for lengthening and are best put to use when combined with Kegels and Jelqing for maximum penile expansion. As you progress, you will begin to you use derivatives of basic techniques to further enhance gains and results.
The benefits of penis stretching include:
- Elongating your penis anywhere from 1 -3 inches, realistically, which is based on course of treatment, exercise techniques, and skill.
- Firmer, harder, and robust looking erections
- Sexual pleasures feel intensified
- Overall satisfaction increase for you and your partner
- Gives your organ a more supple look and improves health
To begin, start by practicing our basic stretch technique or make the most of stretching exercises by investing into one of the best exercise programs to access the most effective stretching techniques. You’ll also get techniques to add more width in conjunction.
The End Results Of Penis Stretching Exercises
Hand driven tension stretching can produce impressive size gains and if you remain consistent and if you practice this technique properly, you should expect these benefits even if you only practice for a month:
- General Lengthening Of The Penis
- Improvement In Firmness And Overall Penile Health
Various stretching exercises are designed for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced practitioners. Variants of the “Power Stretch,” are used most often and the one thing they all have in common is their ability to lengthen your penis’s flaccid and erect states.
nticipated Results Of Stretching Exercises
If stretching exercises are performed safely and properly, more blood is able to circulate into the penis, forcing the pair of corpus cavernosum chambers (sponge like areas of the penis) to soak and retain more blood, thus increasing its size overtime.
Results ultimately vary by individual, with the more prominent ones including these:
- Length Gains Range From 1 Inch To 3 Inches (Realistically)
- Harder Erections With A Firßmer Feel
- Your Penis Will Look More Supple And Healthy
To produce results like these, stretching exercises should be performed daily or as often as possible, typically with only one or two days off for recovery. Recovery time is absolutely necessary so penile tissue and associated ligaments may recuperate and heal.
Exercises are performed over a long period of time dependent on the desired gains you want to achieve. ( Typically 1 - 24 months) You’ll begin to notice that your soon to be schlong is longer when it is limp or flaccid and also when it is hard or erect after a few short weeks.
Penis stretching also stretches its outter skin and testicular skin, making your testicles appear as if they are hanging lower, thus appearing as if they are larger.
Further more, stretching has an indirect effect on testosterone levels and sperm count if used continuously. (Supposedly) Results have yet to be scientifically proven, although unofficial documentation provides empirical proof.
Properly Executing Penis Stretching Exercises & The Potential For Harm
Performing stretching exercises in the safest manner possible will not cause any harm to your penis. You can ensure your safety by using exercises from a structured guide, although the only way to ensure your safety, is by consulting a physician or specialist. The fact of the matter is, free exercises may lead to harm.
Professionally developed enlargement exercise programs offer the safest routines, since the best have been tested to be both safe and effective.
You still need to use common sense and monitor your actions, which are both important aspects of success.
In addition to performing exercises, your penis must also be conditioned prior to beginning exercising.
How Can You Make The Most Of Penis Stretching?
This website is designed to show you how you can begin. If you desire multiple inch gains and all the perks that result from using this penis stretching techniques, you should consider a ordering an inexpensive eBook. eBooks are much cheaper since you will not have to pay top dollar if you want a DVD copy of a program - basically if you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Take it from someone who has used freebies from the web - Don’t waste your time, make the most of it with exercises that are known to work.
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The PC Muscle
Penis exercises have various effects on the penis and the surrounding tissue near the pelvic region. You might find it surprising that some penis exercises do not impact just the penis. There are specific exercises called “kegel exercises” that are used to condition and strengthen the Pubococcygeus or commonly referred to as the “PC” muscle.
The PC muscle forms the floor of the pelvis cavity, which supports many of the pelvic organs. The PC muscle is situated just behind the scrotum which is the contraction you feel when you urinate and ejaculate. An easy way to find where it, is by urinating and before you finish, stop the flow of fluid. You’ll feel a slight contraction as you do this.
How does exercising the PC muscle benefit sexual function?
There are quite a few benefits associated with the development of this muscle. The PC flex can strengthen your erections by improving blood circulation into the penis. If your erections become somewhat flaccid after a while, PC exercises can help them regain a firm pose.
As a result of performing PC exercises, other length and girth building exercises can produce more gains. Think about this, when you flex an erection and notice the penis head partially expand, turning a darker color, this is because the PC muscle helps the penis circulate more blood. If you exercise this muscle frequently and strengthen it flexibility, this will improve erection quality, decrease impairment from impotency, and ensure the penis is in a full and upright position.
Another significant effect the PC muscles helps with is ejaculation control. When you feel the need to ejaculate, this muscle contracts and withdraws semen from the urethra. By being able to control this muscle, you will be able to respond to when your body begins to orgasm and starts to ejaculate. Plus, once the PC muscle becomes stronger, it will contract and be more assertive during the climax of an orgasm, intensifying each pleasurable second.
The PC muscle is a crucial part of improve sexual function. If you elect to use natural penis enlargement exercises, we seriously urge you to never overlook this exercise.
The most important PC muscle exercise - The Kegel Kegels are the exercise you perform to fortify the PC muscle. There are different ways to perform the kegel, but the most basic form is sufficient to the benefits we have already mentioned.